Thursday 14 May 2015

#poem #poetry #awriting blue words introduction

welcome to blue words

the aim of this site is not to churn poet's work with little or no respect to the poetry

the poet's work will be linked and labelled by poet - so readers can read the entirety of their favorite poets work 

oh and to quote philip larkin -

"Some time ago I agreed to help judge a poetry competition—you know, the kind where they get about 35,000 entries, and you look at the best few thousand. After a bit I said, Where are all the love poems? And nature poems? And they said, Oh, we threw all those away. I expect they were the ones I should have liked."

rest assured that love and nature poems will be considered and included

my aim is to feature the most interesting work submitted - without prejudice (beyond my own taste) - to appeal to the widest readership

if you would like to be considered - send 3 poems with bio  and links to websites books etc - to

jeremy young


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